Saturday 30 October 2010

Award of Cub ,Scout & Rover

1.Community Development Award

2.Shapla Cub Award

3.President’s Scout Award

4. President’s Rover Scout Award


Article 37 of the Organisation and rules

There will be replica for
    1. Leader Trainer and Assistant Leader
    2. Cub Scout 
    3. Scout and
    4. Rover Scout


Rank Badge

Rank badges will be made as per measurement mentioned in article 33 of the schedule one of organization & rules.

Scout Uniform

Cub Scout, Scout, Rover Scout, Unit Leader, Group Scout Leader and persons holding Warranted and Non-Warranted post will be entitled to wear Scout uniform.

Cub Scout Uniform

Scout Uniform

Rover Scout Uniform

Adult Leader Uniform

Schedule-One (Organization and Rules)

The schedule-One Organization and Rules was approved  on the 24th February,2000 in the 27th Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Scouts.The Schedule-One has got Three chapters and 102 articles
  • 1st  Chapter (KA)        : UNIFORM
  • 2nd Chapter (KHA)     : FLAG  
  • 3rd Chapter (GA)        : AWARD

Amendment of the Organization and Rules

  1. The provisions of organization and rules may be amended, added, extended or changed by the approval of two-third majority of members present in the annual general meeting of National Council.
  2. All amendment proposal should be sent to the National Headquarter for decision of the National Executive Committee by 30th June every year. The proposal shall be placed before the next National Council meeting along with the decision of the Executive Committee of Bangladesh Scouts.


  1. The Chief National Commissioner: The Chief National Commissioner’s name shall be recommended in the 3rd general council meeting and the Chief Scout will appoint him for three years.
  2. National Commissioners: To be appointed by the Chief Scout with the recommendation of the Chief National Commissioner. Term: 3 years.
  3. Deputy National Commissioner: To be appointed by the Chief National Commissioner with the recommendation of the National Commissioner. Term: 3 years.
  4. Regional Commissioner: To be recommended in the 3rd annual general council meeting and then be appointed by the Chief Scout and the Chief National Commissioner. Term: 3 years.
  5. Deputy Regional Commissioner: To be appointed by the Chief National Commissioner and Regional Commissioner. Term: 3 years.
  6. District Commissioner: To be appointed by the Regional Commissioner and the Chief National Commissioner being recommended in the 3rd annual general council of the district scouts. Term 3 years]

  • Age limit for the appointment of Commissioner is not above 65 years 
  • Withdrawal of Certificate: The certificate of commissioner may be withdrawn in the following cases:
    1. Invalidation of appointment
    2. Expiry of term
    3. Leave working place
    4. Engage activities violating the provisions of organization & rules, promise & law of scouts.

Group Council

To be formed by the parents, old scouts, supporters of scout movement, patron of scout movement.

Functions of Group Scouter’s Council

To perform the duties of recruitment, transfer and consider award of the scout unit. GSC is held responsible for progressive training, maintain standard of scouting and award badges to the scouts. To monitor planning and activities of the group

Group Registration

  1. Newly constituted group shall submit four filled up application forms to the sub district scouts along with registration fees.
  2. The sub districts must be satisfied regarding conducting of the group through a trained scouter and then sub district will recommend to the regional scouts for formation of new group scouts.

The regional scouts if satisfied will approve the registration charter and communicate the same to the concerned scouts authority. In this way listed scout group/units will be treated as approved unit of Bangladesh Scouts. The term of group registration will be valid upto 31st  of December from the date of issuance of charter. The group will pay annual registration fee by 31st December for its renewal, failing which the group registration shall be stand cancelled. The regional scout may cancel registration of group in following cases:
  1.  If the renewal of group is not done in time.
  2. If any allegation is made against the group from the sub-district executive committee. But self defense should be given to the scout group leader and controlling authority before an action is taken.
  3. If the registration of sub district is being cancelled for other reasons.

Group Organization

  • Group
A group scout will be formed where there will be one cub scout, one scout and one rover scout unit. In special circumstances a scout group may be formed if there exists one or more scout units.
  • Nature of Group: 
    • Controlled and 
    • Open scout group

  • Controlled group:    
To be formed in a school, Madrasha, College and Universities or Government, semi-government institutions or in an autonomous body or business or religion institutions.
  • Open Scout group:
To be formed in a particular area where the scouts may be allowed to join in scouting. The members of educational institutions may be allowed to join in open scout group with prior written permission from the educational institutions.The member of female cub scout, scout and rover scout will be named as girl-in-scouting.

Upazilla (Sub-District) Organization

In each upazilla (sub district) there shall be a scout organization to be known as “Sub-District Scouts” to run and implement the cub scout and scout program smoothly. If each sub district forms at least 7 (seven) units it will be recognized as sub district scouts. Each sub district organization shall have a separate bye-laws which must be approved by the regional scouts. Before that, it must be recommended by the District Executive Committee. The sub district will pay its membership fee along with annual statistics of scouts to the district scouts. The sub district will renew its membership by paying annual registration fee to the district scouts. The renewed sub district will enjoy all the benefits of district, region and Bangladesh Scouts. There will be a sub-district council which will be constituted by a patron, President, Vice-Presidents, Sub-District, Commissioner, Treasurer, Secretary, Leader Trainer, Unit leaders, all the members of executive committee of sub district. The term of sub district council will be for three years from the date of election. This term may be extended for unavoidable circumstances for six months. The sub-district council will elect vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary and Joint Secretary, Commissioner in the 3rd annual general meeting which will be held after three years. Besides this, the sub district council meeting will be held once in a year to examine annual report and other scout activities.

Friday 29 October 2010

District Council (Administrative District wise)

There shall be a council in a district to be headed by a President, District Commissioner, Secretary, Treasurer, District Education Officer, including members of Executive Committee of the district & others. The term of the district council will be three years from the date of election. The district council will sit once in a year to examine scout activities, annual development projects, income and expenditure of the executive committee etc.
      Organization of
    1. District Rover Scouts
    2. Railway District Scouts
    3. Sea District Scouts
    4. Air District Scouts
    5. Metropolitan Scouts
The above mentioned district scouts shall have a district council. The formations of these district scouts are same. Each district is constituted by a district council whose term is three years from the date of election. After, three years third annual general meeting is held where the councilors examine the budget, income and expenditure incurred by the executive committee, annual report of the activities. Accounts report etc. Each district scouts has an executive committee who looks after the matter relating to extension of scouting, its development, program activities, supply of scout materials to the scouts, Community development project and to organize training for scouts. The district council is headed by a President and other members and Secretary, Treasurer, District Commissioner and Leader Trainers, Education officers. The rights and duties of each member have been specified in the “Organization and Rules”

District Scouts

There shall be a district scouts organization to run the program of the districts smoothly. The scouts activities will cover throughout the district as administrative unit. The Nature and Character of district of special region will be different. As for example, Bangladesh Scouts, Pakshee Railway District.

District & Sub district Organization

  • District Scouts 
    • District Council (Administrative District wise)
      Organization of
      • District Rover Scouts 
      • Railway District Scouts
      • Sea District Scouts
      • Air District Scouts
      • Metropolitan Scouts 
  • Upa Zilla (Sub-District) Organization

Regional Organization

  • Regions on the basis of Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education or Administrative Divisions:
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Dhaka Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Rajshahi Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Khulna Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Barisal Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Sylhet Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Comilla Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Chittagong Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Dinajpur Region
  • Special Regions
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Rover Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Railway Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Sea Region
    • Bangladesh Scouts, Air Region

Fund Transaction

  • The fund of Bangladesh Scouts shall be conducted by the joint signatures Treasurer or one of the two persons to be nominated by the National Executive Committee.(Section-35)

Main functions

  1. To monitor scout activities throughout Bangladesh keeping ideal and spirit of World Scout Movement.
  2. Implement principles, directions and proposal passed by the National Council.
  3. To perform administrative functions including fund transaction, preserve & protect properties of Bangladesh Scouts.
  4. Approve Annual budget.
  5. Planning, Implementing and Evaluating progress, extension modernizing the training scheme & program of Bangladesh Scouts.
  6. To implement five years plain
  7. To make publicity of World Scouts activities, principles to the regions and district level.
  8. To arrange leader’s conference, Moot, Jamboree, Camporee and Rally etc.

National Executive Committee

  • The National Executive Committee (NEC) of Bangladesh Scouts works as the highest executive body on behalf of National Council. In fact, NEC is the   implementing authority of scout activities. The committee comprised by presidents, Vice-president, Chief National Commissioner, Treasurer, National Commissioners and other concerned person.

National Council

The National Council is the highest policy making authority of Bangladesh scouts.

Term of National Council

The term of the National Council will be three years from the date of election and this term may be extended up to six months in case of necessity and 3rd council meeting must be held in the extended period. The National Council will sit at least once in a year to perform the following functions:
  1. To approve on going budget & accounts of previous years and also to examine the Audit report.
  2. Elect or recommend President, Vice-president, Treasurer and the Chief National Commissioner ‘if any’ of these posts fall vacant.
  3. To fill up the vacant post of any member.
  4. To discuss and give decision on the issues raised by the National Executive Committee
  5. Raising questions on relevant matters. In the last year of council meeting to be known as general meeting the following functions will be performed by the National Council in addition to its normal functions:
    • Election of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Councilor representatives of the Executive Committee
    • To recommend the appointment of the Chief National Commissioner
    • Appointment of Auditor

Chief Scout

The President of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh shall be the ex-officio Chief Scout of Bangladesh. He may convene any council meeting at any place, at any time and he may preside over in that meeting. The Chief Scout will appoint the Chief National Commissioner and he will give certificate to the National Commissioners and Regional Commissioners as per recommendation of the Chief National Commissioner. His decision in respect of scout organization will be final.

Financial Management

The main sources of income of Bangladesh are as follows:

  1. Donation or special allotment from the Government, horsemint, public and government approved as organizations.
  2. Fixed lump-sum donation from life patron member, Life member and general member of Bangladesh Scouts as mentioned in section II.
  3. Any donation from different units, groups or council member. The unit, group at District and sub-district will collect finance locally for smooth running of the scout activities. Any donation from any scout, person or organization may be accepted without any condition. Scouts will try to earn and increase fund by their own Labour. If necessary, Scouts will observe “Earning week” when the educational institutions will be in annual vacation. The National Headquarter is empowered to examine and call for papers relating to account affair of region, district and sub-districts or a particular unit to maintain financial discipline. There shall be a five member internal audit team at every tier of organization from sub-districts upto  National level to be formed by the executive committee and that committee will examine the accounts regularly.

Scout Laws

  1. Scouts honour is to be trusted
  2. A Scout is friend to all
  3. A Scout is courteous and obedient
  4. A Scout is kind  to animals
  5. A Scout is cheerful at all times
  6. A Scout is thrifty
  7. A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.

Promise of Scout and Rover Scouts

On my honour, I promise that-
  • I will do my best to do my duty to Allah and my Country;
  • to help other people at all times;
  • to obey the scout laws.
(The scout will utter the name of his own creator instead of “Allah” according to his own religion)

Law of Cub Scouts

  1. To obey the elders;
  2. Cubscouts do not work at their will.

Promise of Cub Scout

I promise that I will do my best
  • to do my duty to Allah and my country
  • to do good to other everyday, and
  • to obey the cub scout laws


  1. Cub Scout: "Try to do my best"
  2. Scout: "Be prepared"
  3. Rover Scout: "Service"


There shall be three branches for smooth running of scouting in Bangladesh:

  • Cub-Scout: age 6+ but less than 11 years
  • Scout- age: Above 11 years but less than 17 years
  • Rover Scout: Above 17 years but less than 25 years      

The persons who serve in the Railway, Sea, Air force or similar other institutions, the age is relaxed up to 30 years

Pattern of Excellence

  1. Bangladesh scouts is a neutral voluntary organization out of control from any organization, Person and community.
  2. The scouting in Bangladesh will be conducted according to ideal and accepted methods of world organization of the scout movement.
  3. The principles, training and program will give stress on the philosophy of  non-communalism, non-discrimination of any class and religious feelings.
  4. The members of Bangladesh scouts will not engage themselves in political meeting or participate in any work to fulfil the political purposes wearing scouts dress. 
  5. The members of Bangladesh scouts will not support any political, communal government and non-governmental disputes.


  1. The scout movement in Bangladesh will be conducted through Patrol system according to the needs of the National Training Program.
  2. The members of Bangladesh scouts will wear fixed uniform, scarf and badges and they will give salute in three fingers and shake with right hand.

The purposes of this organization

  1. To build up the child and young people through training to be honest, faithful,good charactered and an ideal citizen following methods of scouting and principles of World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
  2. To maintain friendly and complimentary relationship with the like minded, non-political, civilian and non-communal youth organization, specially Bangladesh Girl-Guides Association.
  3. Try to increase International Cooperation and friendship with the WOSM, Asia-Pacific Regional Scouts and different national scout organizations by exchanging views, trainers, scouts and scouters.

The first chapter

  1. Short title, extent and application this Organization shall be called as “Bangladesh Scouts”. Its Headquarter shall be situated at Dhaka, to be named as National headquarters.
  2. It extends to the whole of Bangladesh. No Scouts or Scouters shall be allowed to remain outside this organization and they will not be allowed to organize any other organization in the name of scouting.

Salient features of Organization & Rules

  1. Short title, extent and application, purposes of Organisation, Methods, Pattern of Excellence, Motto etc.
  2. 247 sections and 4 (four) schedules are in the Organization and Rules.
  3. The Organization and Rules Comprises Six chapters.
  4. It has given guidelines regarding organizational set up up to Upazilla (Sub-districts) level.
  5. The last amendments of Organization and Rules were adopted in the 38th National Council held on the 9th August,2009. As  many as 22 amendments have been made till date.
  6. The schedule one of the Organization and Rules was approved on the 24th February, 2000 in the 27th Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Scouts to strengthen the Scouting activities at the root level.
  7. The schedule one has got three Chapters and 102 articles. Chapter ka deals with Scout Dress, chapter kha: highlights about different flags and chapter ga deals with approved award of region and national headquarters.

  • Every clause of the organization and Rules is written in such a simple language as shall express its meaning clearly.
  • The first three chapters deal with the objectives, ideal of scouting, membership, National organization and Regional organization of scouting in Bangladesh.
  •  Chapter two discusses general provisions about the powers and mutual relationship of the National Council with the councillors National Executive Committee, its formation, functions,
    responsibilities of the Chief National Commissioner, National Commissioners,
    Deputy National Commissioners.
  • Chapter three describes how the regional scouts will be organized  and what will be responsibilities of the regional executive committee.

    Chapter four deals with the organization set up of sub-districts and district scouts including district Rover scouts, Railway, Sea, Air, Metropolitan scouts.
    Chapter five deals with Group Organization.

    Chapter six deals with the Miscellaneous affairs arising out of different aspects of scouting, like appointment of scout officials Leader trainer and Assistant Leader trainers.

Organization and Rules

to Bangladesh Scouts


For more than 62 years, scouting has flourished in the then East Pakistan ,now Bangladesh. As scout, scouters we enjoy the fruits of scouting from different educational methods and strategies to make our approach relevant and through our participation, scouting will continue to provide blessings of life and pursuit of happiness.
Despite restrictions, Scouting began for the first time in Calcutta, Madras and Jabbalpur in 1910. The pioneer role of starting Scout Movement in this Sub-Continent was played by Dr. Tarapurwala, Sriram Wajpee,Mrs Annee Besant, Mr. A.S.Lazlee Moon but the British Scout Association turned down the permission of Scouting in this Sub-Continent. Lastly the British Government gave permission for starting Scouting in 1919, with the active initiative of Lord Baden Powell.
The scout movement started in Bangladesh on the 22nd May, 1948 when East Pakistan Boy Scout Samity (Association) was established. The scouting gained momentum when “East-Bengal Scout Association” was formed under the able leadership of Mr. Salimullah Fahmi.

Bangladesh proclaimed its independence on the 26th day of March, 1971 through a historic war. In a newly established independent  Republic Scouting tuned its path under the leadership of elected National Commissioner, Mr. P.A Nazir with effect from the 9th April, 1972. The then Hon’ble President gave legal coverage to the Bangladesh Boy Scout Samity by promulgating presidents order No. 111 of 1972.

At that time, the Bangladesh Boy Scout Samity would have been guided by its constitution Policy, “Organization and Rules” In 1974, World Scout Bureau recognized the Bangladesh Boy Scout Samity and it became 105th member of the World Scout Bureau.

In the special general meeting of Bangladesh Boys scout samity held on 20.07.1975 the Organization & Rules was adopted by repealing Policy, “Organization and Rules”. It is a set of established rules embodying and enacting the practice of scouting in different stages of organization. Every scout, scouters and duty bound to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of Bangladesh Scouts.

National Agonorees at a glance

  • 1st National Agonoree
    Venue             :     Comilla Zilla School
    Date               :     13-16 February, 1990
    Participants     :    218
  • 2nd  National Agonoree
    Venue             :     Comilla Zilla School
    Date                :     22-26 February, 1997
    Participants     :    250
  • 3rd National Agonoree
    Venue              :     National Scout Training Centre, Mouchak, Gazipur
    Date               :     24-29  January, 2001
    Participants     :    600
  • 4th  National Agonoree
    Venue                  :     Pulerhutt Scout Training Center,Jessore,
    Date                    :    14-18 April, 2005
    Participants          :     570

National Aggnoree

  • Agoneree is a big gathering arranged by National Scouts for the scouts who have special needs. With the help of Extension Scouting, Bangladesh Scouts has organized (4) four National  Agoneree and many Regional Agoneree.

Scouting in the Hill Tracts

a) An Orientation Course was arranged for the  Extension of Scouting in the three Hilly districts held in the Railway Rest House, Kamalapur. In this course, 25 members who have a soft conner for scouting attented the meeting.

b) A Preporatory meeting was organized at 30 April, 2010 in Shams Hall, NHQ for the extension scouting in three Hilly districts. Sixteen participants attended the meeting.

c) An orientation course was held at 28 May, 2010 in NHQ recommended by the preparatory meeting. Twenty eight participants attended this orientation.

* Scouts for special needs and street Children attended 8th National Scout Jamboree :

* Seventeen scout units for special needs units and Seven street children scout units attended the 8th National Jamboree that was held in National Training Centre, Mouchak, Gazipur.

Formation of Bangladesh Scouts Sena (Army)Region

  • Mode 1   
Meeting with Adjutant General, Bangladesh Army,
Major General Muzahiduddin
Date        01 July, 2009
Venue        Army HQs, Dhaka Cantonment
Participants    Mr. Habibul Alam, Bir Pratik, Chairman, National Programme Committee
            NC (Extension Scouting) Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed

  • Mode 2   
Visit of Adjutant General, Bangladesh Army,
Major General Muzahiduddin
Date        06 October, 2009
Venue        NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur
Participants    Brig-General Zahid, Director Army Education
            NC (Extension Scouting) Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed
            NC (Programme) Md. Mesbahuddin Bhuiyan Murad,
            Concerned DNCs
            Executive Secretary, Bangladesh Scouts

  • Mode 3   
Seminar for principals of school/colleges under Cantonment
Board and Cantonment Public School and Colleges
Date        10 December, 2009
Venue    Adamjee Cantonment College
Participants    Brig-General Zahid, Director Army Education
            40 principals
            Mr. Habibul Alam, Bir Pratik,
            Chairman, National Programme Committee
            NC (Extension Scouting) Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed
            DNC (Foundation) Syed Rafiq Ahmed

  • Mode 4   
Meeting with PSO, Army Forces Division, Lieutenant-General M A Wadud
Date        20 December, 2009
Venue    Armed Forces Division, Dhaka Cantonment
Participants    NC (Extension Scouting) Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed
            DNC (Foundation) Syed Rafiq Ahmed

  • Mode 5   
Meeting with Chief of Army, General Md. Abdul Mubeen
Date        31 December, 2009
Venue        Army HQs, Dhaka Cantonment
Participant    NC (Extension Scouting) Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed

  • Outcome   
Letter of Chief of General Staff, Bangladesh Army stating
their agreement to form Sena Scouts dated 28 April,2010.
The 212th National Executive Committee of 17 August 2010
decided to organise Bangladesh Scouts Sena Region as the
13th region

Scouting for Scouts with special needs

  • Mode       
Discussion meeting with concerned leaders
Date            10 September 2009
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter
Participants     16 Units Leaders for scouts with special needs and units under Ticket-to-Life project

RS3 (Rotary + Scouts Service Scheme): One Rotary Club, One Scout Unit Project

  • Mode1   
Workshop for Rotarians
Date        22 May 2010
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter
Participants    25 (twenty-five) Rotarians

  • Mode 2   
Handover of Cub Units to Rotary clubs (One club, one unit)
Date        25 July 2010
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter


  • Outcome               
Rotary Clubs are supporting Cub units

Formation of Scouting units in private universities

  • Mode       
Orientation Course for teachers of private universities
Date            30 July 2009
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter
Participants     23 (twenty three) teachers from Dhaka Metropolis

Formation of Scouting units in English Medium School

  • Mode 1   
Seminar for teachers of English Medium Schools
Date        5 March 2009
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter
Participants     36 (thirty six) teachers of English Medium Schools of Dhaka
  • Mode 2
Motivation lectures by NC (Extension Scouting) Dr. Nizamuddin Ahmed that included demo sessions by Rover
Scouts and Unit Leaders
Manarat School (for students)    23 April 2009
Scholastica School (for students)    20 May 2009
Sunnydale School (for parents)    15 June 2009
  • Mode 3
9th Extension Scouting Scout Unit Leader Basic Course
Date        18-25 June 2009
Venue        NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur
  • Mode 4
Follow-up meeting with trained leaders
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter

  • Outcome   
    Scout units for both boys and girls have been formed:
    Scholastica School
    Sunnydale School
    South Breeze School
    Manarat International School
    Oxford International School

Formation of Scouting units in schools run by NGOs

  • Mode 1   
Meeting with NGO World Vision
Venue        National Head Quarter
Participants     Senior officers of World Vision
  • Mode 2   
8th Extension Scouting Scout Unit Leader Basic Course
Date        20-27 May 2009
Venue        NSTC, Mouchak, Gazipur
  • Mode 3   
Follow-up meeting with trained leaders
Venue        Shams Hall, National Head Quarter
  • Outcome
Scout units for both boys and girls have been formed

Thursday 28 October 2010

Scouts Units for Scouts with special needs


    The first Scout Leader Basic Course for teachers of educational institutions with children with special needs was organised in 1988. Today there are 69 Scout units for Scouts with special needs as follows:


     Dhaka Region                27 units

     Rajshahi Region            10 units

     Khulna Region               12 units

     Chittagong Region         06 units

     Barisal Region                06 units

     Comilla Region               04 units

     Sylhet Region                 04 units

Extension Scouting: Scope of Works


            Special Scout Leader Basic Course and Advance Course.

            Talent Search Competition among Scouts with special needs.

            National and Regional Agoonoree.

            Special Unit Leader Workshop.

            Study tour abroad for Scouts with special needs.

            Special Patrol Leader Training Course.

            Sponsoring Scouts with special needs to Jamboree.

            Support to APR Ticket to Life Project.

            Support to RS3 (Rotary + Scouts ServiceScheme): One Rotary Club, One Scout Unit Project.

            Formation of Scouting units in English Medium Schools.

            Formation of Scouting units in schools run by NGOs.

            Formation of Scouting units in private universities.

            Formation of Bangladesh Scouts Sena (Army) Region.

            Revitalizing Scouting in the three hill districts: Bandarban, Khagrachari and Rangamati.

Brief History of Extension Scouting

  • Extension Scouting in Bangladesh began in 1983 for the physically and the mentally challenged children. Professor of History at Dhaka University, Dr. K.M. Mohsin, was Bangladesh Scouts’ first National Commissioner for Extension Scouting and Child Healthcare.
  • The first meeting of the Extension Scouting and Child Healthcare Committee was held on 4 December 1985. In 1988, a special scouting programme was introduced for children with special needs through Extension Scouting and Child Healthcare.