Saturday 30 October 2010

Group Registration

  1. Newly constituted group shall submit four filled up application forms to the sub district scouts along with registration fees.
  2. The sub districts must be satisfied regarding conducting of the group through a trained scouter and then sub district will recommend to the regional scouts for formation of new group scouts.

The regional scouts if satisfied will approve the registration charter and communicate the same to the concerned scouts authority. In this way listed scout group/units will be treated as approved unit of Bangladesh Scouts. The term of group registration will be valid upto 31st  of December from the date of issuance of charter. The group will pay annual registration fee by 31st December for its renewal, failing which the group registration shall be stand cancelled. The regional scout may cancel registration of group in following cases:
  1.  If the renewal of group is not done in time.
  2. If any allegation is made against the group from the sub-district executive committee. But self defense should be given to the scout group leader and controlling authority before an action is taken.
  3. If the registration of sub district is being cancelled for other reasons.

1 comment:

  1. তালিকা ভূক্তি নং২৩৩৭/২০১১, ৯/0২/২০১১ তারিখের Adarsha college er Rover scout group er regi. korar jonno onurod korsi,পএ নং ৮৯২(১৫৭)/২০১৮ তাং ১৯ ডিসে,২০১৮
