Friday 29 October 2010

Salient features of Organization & Rules

  1. Short title, extent and application, purposes of Organisation, Methods, Pattern of Excellence, Motto etc.
  2. 247 sections and 4 (four) schedules are in the Organization and Rules.
  3. The Organization and Rules Comprises Six chapters.
  4. It has given guidelines regarding organizational set up up to Upazilla (Sub-districts) level.
  5. The last amendments of Organization and Rules were adopted in the 38th National Council held on the 9th August,2009. As  many as 22 amendments have been made till date.
  6. The schedule one of the Organization and Rules was approved on the 24th February, 2000 in the 27th Annual General Meeting of Bangladesh Scouts to strengthen the Scouting activities at the root level.
  7. The schedule one has got three Chapters and 102 articles. Chapter ka deals with Scout Dress, chapter kha: highlights about different flags and chapter ga deals with approved award of region and national headquarters.

  • Every clause of the organization and Rules is written in such a simple language as shall express its meaning clearly.
  • The first three chapters deal with the objectives, ideal of scouting, membership, National organization and Regional organization of scouting in Bangladesh.
  •  Chapter two discusses general provisions about the powers and mutual relationship of the National Council with the councillors National Executive Committee, its formation, functions,
    responsibilities of the Chief National Commissioner, National Commissioners,
    Deputy National Commissioners.
  • Chapter three describes how the regional scouts will be organized  and what will be responsibilities of the regional executive committee.

    Chapter four deals with the organization set up of sub-districts and district scouts including district Rover scouts, Railway, Sea, Air, Metropolitan scouts.
    Chapter five deals with Group Organization.

    Chapter six deals with the Miscellaneous affairs arising out of different aspects of scouting, like appointment of scout officials Leader trainer and Assistant Leader trainers.

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